Sunday, March 26, 2017

Inside the secret chamber

Hidden underneath the rich and textured narrative, erupting under the colorful flow of image and emotion, there exists a fertile, vibrating, mysterious world of sensations: a somatically-organized field of intelligence, creativity, and aliveness.

As we enter the body with breath and awareness – descending under the conditioned and guided by new levels of curiosity, kindness, and care – we may come to appreciate our neurosis, our heartbreak, our fear, our disappointment, our “failure,” our doubt, our confusion, and our fragility. No longer viewing these forms as evidence of our lack of awakening or that we have fallen short… but as unique portals and invitations back into the center.

As the trance of shame, blame, and unworthiness burns up in the warmth of awareness, we find ourselves at the threshold of the sacred world. It is exhilarating here inside the opposites, but simultaneously terrifying to a mind longing for resolution, certainty, and control.

As we become aware of the ways that we distract ourselves from the open, center-less, alive nature of immediate experience, we can then make a choice to re-embody. We can return to the life of the senses, to our uncompromised commitment to self-kindness, to no longer apologizing for what we are, and to fully participating here in an unfolding miracle... setting aside the dream of postponement until a future moment.

In this place of heart-centered, compassion-infused embodiment, we can no longer pretend we’re not feeling what we’re actually feeling; whatever guest arrives in the home of the heart is allowed, surrounded in warmth, and taken directly into the inner sanctum. Inside this secret chamber, your neurosis, your fear, the deep need to be special, the frenetic scramble to be seen, to be “awake” – all this begins to become dismantled, dissolved, and taken apart by love.

While this disassembling is sure to involve both sweet and fierce grace, it is a movement of wholeness, and evidence of the full-spectrum nature of the path of the heart.

The Way of Rest summer retreat – registration open now 

New book – The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You – to be released in April